Whats Cooking...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Eggs in a Tea Cup

This recipe I so dedicate to my friend Julie, (who also was a guest writer on my blog) who absolutely loves eggs and a huge tea drinker like me so having egg in a tea cup is just a perfect combination.  Julie the next time you come around I am so making this for you. :)

My latest inspiration for cooking comes from a program I am currently watching called: "The Little Paris Kitchen." hosted by food writer and cook Rachel Khoo. She made this dish called: "Oeufs en Cocotte".  I thought it was a nice spin on the traditional french way. Its so simple to make and absolutely delicious. 

The nice thing about this recipe it is so simple and so easy to make. I served mine with a ciabatta bread that I drizzled some olive oil and grilled under the grill for extra crispiness. 

I love a runny egg so having the crispy bread to dip into the creamy eggs is just so fantastic.  I made it on Sunday for my family and it was definitely a huge hit.

Remember if you going to use tea cups please don't use to thin ones as it may crack. If you don't have tea cups you can also use ramekins.

So this is how you do it:

Firstly preheat your oven to 180C

Take your tea cup and put a tablespoon of Creme Fraiche

Sprinkle with a pinch of nutmeg - not to much as it will be too over powering

Crack your egg open - and put ontop of the creme fraiche.

Take another dollop of Creme Fraiche and put it on top of your egg.

Season with Salt and Pepper and another sprinkle of nutmeg.

Thinly slice a mushroom and put 3 slices in the creme fraiche, you can use anything savoury from pieces of ham, bacon, spinach, a chili for a kick, few pieces of smoked salmon, the possibilities are endless. Rachel added a sprig of dill and nice teaspoon of red lump fish eggs. (once it was cooked)

Make a bain marie with luke warm water, put in the oven for 15min depending on how you like your eggs. If you don't like runny eggs then you can keep it in for an extra 5 min.

Dip your crispy bread into your egg and dig away!!

Hmmmmmmmmmmm delish!!!

(Unfortunately my phone and camera batteries we flat so I don't have a picture, the next time I make this I will upload a picture!)

1 comment:

  1. Yippee!! Thanks Abby! I'm looking forward to taking you up on your kind caring and tasty invitation to make me TEA CUP EGG! How fascinating!!! Two of my favourite things IN ONE! Yay! Thank you!
