Whats Cooking...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Millionaires's Chocolate Tart

This recipe I got off the BBC Good Food Website. I was looking for something really nice for dessert the one day and came accross this recipe. I love Millionaire's Shortbread, however hubby does not!

This is the BBC Food Picture. My picture you see below
doesn't do this tart any justice. I seriously must go for

photography lessons! LOL!!

This recipe is perfect, as it's base is shortcrust pastry and has a delicious caramel center, topped with an oozey chocolate topping. If it's warm and eaten almost straight out of the oven, you end up having this chocolate topping that just oozes all over the place which is absolutely delicious, (almost like a chocolate larva pudding) but if left standing lets say overnight in the fridge then it sets and you get a really nice and decadent chocolate tart. My husbandy loved the chocolate oozing version. Its your choice!

You can serve it with cream, creme friache or even ice cream.

This is how my tart came out - The picture quality is not so great but I
promise you, it is worthwhile.


400g shortcrust pastry

1 tsp vanilla paste or extract (I used a Vanilla powder)

flour for dusting

250g caramel (I used a whole tin of caramel from Nestle)

100g 70% plain chocolate , broken into pieces (I used normal dark chocolate from Albany - Yes you can use a cheaper version chocolate, but it will not be as rich and bursting with chocolate flavour)

100g white chocolate , broken into pieces

90 ml melted butter - (I used salted butter)

2 eggs , plus 3 egg yolks

4 tbsp golden caster sugar (We don't seem to have golden caster sugar in South Africa - I used the normal caster sugar) 

icing sugar and single cream, to serve (optional)


Pre-Heat oven to 200C

Break the pastry into chunks and drop into a food processor. Drizzle over the vanilla paste and pulse until the vanilla is speckled through the pastry (the extract should be completely absorbed). Tip out onto a floured surface, bring together into a ball, then roll out to line a 23cm tart tin (leave any overhanging pastry as you will trim this away when the tart is baked). Chill for 30 mins.

(I was lazy, so what I did and it worked well was - I dusted the surface with flour, unrolled the pastry and then sprinkled the vanilla powder all over the surface of the pastry. I then rolled it out until it was all nice and even and the vanilla powder was mixed into the pastry.)

Line the pastry with greaseproof paper. Fill with baking beans, bake blind for 15-20 mins, then remove the paper and beans and bake for 5-10 mins more until pale golden. Carefully spread caramel over the base and set aside while you make the filling. Lower oven to 180C
Melt the chocolates in a bowl over a bain marie of barely simmering water, then stir in the melted butter. Whisk the eggs, yolks and sugar together with an electric whisk in a large mixing bowl for 10 mins, until pale and thick enough to leave a trail when the beaters are lifted up. Fold in the melted chocolate with a large metal spoon, then scrape into the tin.

Bake for 20-25 mins - the surface should be set and puffed but still with a slight wobble. Cool, then chill for at least 3 hrs or overnight, before dusting with icing sugar and serving. Or allow to cool and serve slightly warm to have it all oozey!

Serve with your choice of cream, creme friache, or ice cream.


  1. Wow, this looks so delicious. I intend to remember this post next time I need to make dessert!

  2. I agree with Ashley! THis sounds and looks incredible! Thank you... especially with the pastry and the caramel centre with "oozing chocolate topping!" whoohoo! Thank you.
