Whats Cooking...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Many Ways To Skin A Potato Salad

Potato salad is always lovely with a braai here is a few ideas one can do to zoosh up a normal potato salad.  

Add 15ml curry powder to the mayo to make a curried potato salad and scrap the parsley for coriander


Add 45ml pesto to the mayo and instead of parsley try adding fresh young basil leaves


Half the normal amount of mayo and add 125ml sour cream or plain yogurt and freshly chopped chives 


When making a potato salad its best to keep it room temperature and not in the fridge as the potatoes goes all rubbery.

Here is a few lovely potato salad recipes that is a must try:


700g new potatoes
2 sprigs of rosemary
80ml dry white wine
1 red onion
sea salt flakes
15ml dijon mustard
15ml wholegrain mustard
2 hard boiled eggs
handful of fresh chopped flat leave parsley

Put the potatoes in a pot with salted water and the 2 sprigs of rosemary. Cook until tender. Once cooked drain the water and cut in half.  While the potatoes are still steaming hot add the 80ml of dry white wine.   Peel and finely dice the red onion.  Add the dijion and wholegrain mustard and quarter the hard boiled eggs mix until its nice and even.   Sprinkle the freshly chopped parsley and season with sea salt.


This is a nice potato salad that is nice and spicy. Best served warm.

6 medium potatoes
125ml canola or sunflower oil
pinch of salt
5ml chili powder
handful of freshly chopped coriander leaves
125ml sour cream
5ml white wine vinegar
2-5ml chili powder

Scrub the potatoes and cook for 10minutes in salted boiling water until par-cooked.  Drain well and cut into cubes.  Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the potatoes until lightly browned.  Remove from the heat. Mix the salt with the first measure of chili powder and coriander and toss with the potatoes.  Mix together the sour cream, vinegar and second measure of chili powder and toss into the potatoes. Serve warm.


400g can artichoke hearts
400g baby carrots
3 spring onions
12 small new potatoes
60ml olive oil
30ml wine vinegar
30ml freshly chopped dill or fresh basil leaves
freshly ground black pepper

Drain the artichoke hearts.  Lightly cook the baby carrots and then drain.  Wash and trim the spring onions and slice thinly diagonally.  Scrub the potatoes and boil for 10 min until cooked.  Drain well.  Whisk together the oil, vinegar, dill or basil and lots of freshly ground black pepper.  Mix together the artichokes, carrots, spring onions and potatoes into a bowl. Pour over the dressing and toss till evenly coated.


I’ve made this potato salad a few times at get together and I have to admit – it has always been a definite hit.

6 medium potatoes or 700g new potatoes
1 onion – cut in half and then thinly sliced
250g bacon - diced
5ml dried thyme
125ml chutney
80ml olive oil
60ml vinegar
15ml corn flour
250ml milk

Boil your potatoes until tender.  While your potatoes are cooking fry the onions and bacon. Add the dried thyme. Cook until the bacon is nicely browned.  Add the chutney, oil and vinegar and stir into the bacon and onion mixture. Bring to a slight simmer.  Mix the corn flour and milk together and stir into the bacon mixture. Bring to a boil but stirring constantly until it has thickened and turned glossy.  Once the potatoes are cooked, drain and cut into quarters if medium sized potatoes or in half if new potatoes. Put the potatoes into a bowl and pour over the bacon and onion mixture over the potatoes stir until evenly coated and serve immediately.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm... That all sounds DELICIOUS!!! If only I had a capacity like GIR... then I'd have them all at one time :) Thanks for the lovely mouthwatering varieties to an already yummy dish!
