Whats Cooking...

Monday, February 25, 2013

The perfect summer salad: Melon Salad with Lemon Yoghurt Dressing

Well, Summer is finally passing by and we are moving quiet fast into Autumn, where has the time gone? Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer, sure we will still have many more sunny days but the nights will be a little chilly.

We were having some friends over for a braai on Sunday Afternoon. I went to the local supermarket to get some goodies and could not help but to drool over the watermelon. They were looking so tasty. I then remembered that I had a recipe some where that was a melon based salad. I went and got a spanspek (Sweet melon) as well. I never really looked at the recipe and thought o well lets just go on a whim. I hoped and prayed that I had all the

Lucky for me I did!! (Sigh of relief)...

This salad is so easy to make and very refreshing, and if you are watching your weight and health even better. Hubby said he found it to almost cleanses your palette, especially after having a very rich onion gratin on the side.  

 So here goes the recipe:

Refreshing Melon Salad with Lemon Yoghurt:

Use what ever melon's you can find available or in season -
I used spanspek (sweet melon) and watermelon (one of my favourite fruit) 
125 ml Low fat Plain Yoghurt
Zest of a lemon
a good squeeze of a fresh lemon
Optional - good sprinkle of castor sugar (the sweet melon was not as sweet)

(use your discretion in how much melon you want to use. Just use a little yoghurt, you just want to coat the melon, not having it swim in yoghurt) 

Remove seeds from your melon. Using a melon baller (I finally got to use mine for the first time) make balls of your melon or simply cut into cubes.

Place in a glass bowl (looks all pretty) and drizzle some lemon juice and if using castor sugar give a sprinkle. Mix in the yoghurt - and sprinkle the lemon zest on top. 

Put in the fridge to chill - serve cold. 

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