Whats Cooking...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Guest Writer's Article 1: Chocolate Kisses Recipe

Right! The month of April is rather exciting for Abby's Cooking Kitchen. This Month we will feature a few Guest Writers Articles. At the end of the month you will be able to vote for the best written article, which I will add a link on Guest Writers Article Number 5! There will be a prize for the blog article with the most votes and a prize for a Random Voter.  If you don't have Facebook - please feel free to leave a comment under the article, I will also give a prize for comments. In that way everyone will have a fair share.

This weeks article is from AshBags. She currently is also an avert blogger. We have been friends for many years. I am lucky to have met her when she moved to South Africa from Zimbabwe. She also enjoys cooking, and definitely loves baking, maybe a little more than me. She is much more successful in baking than I am, as you have to stick to the recipe, which is a huge problem from me.

So herewith is her article: Enjoy!! And don't forget to vote at then end of April 2012 or leave a comment at the end of the article!!

When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, I had two children’s recipe books. The first was a wonderful book printed ten years before I was born, given to me second hand. It was called “Look! I Can Cook” by Angela Burdick.

The second was a pink Ladybird book printed after I was born, but was not nearly as nice.

When we moved to South Africa, those two recipe books were given away to friends. After a couple of years, my family and I were missing certain recipes out of that recipe book. More than ten years passed, but it is amazing what you can find in a second-hand book shop…

This great little book is written in comic form and the children starring in the pictures, Dominic, Angela Grey, and Linus, are based on real children. It’s strange to think of the youngest of them (Linus) now being about 45 years of age.

This blog is about the recipe found on page 55 of this book: Chocolate Kisses.

I’m not much of a biscuit person. Between biscuits and cake, I’ll always choose cake. However, there is something extremely satisfying in eating several delicious biscuits. So, I think that the fact that I am writing an article about these biscuits proves their worth.


1 ½ cups of flour

1 ½ teaspoons of baking powder

½ cup of drinking chocolate (we use a mixture of ¼ cup cocoa, ¼ cup chocolate Nesquick)

½ cup of soft margarine (we rather use butter)

½ cup of sugar

1 egg

Mix everything together. Place on a greased baking tray in biscuit shapes. Bake for 25 minutes in an oven temperature of 325oF.

(picture of unbaked biscuits)

Once the biscuits are cooked, sandwich them with the icing recipe found on page 57.


8 tablespoons of margarine (Butter!!)

¾ cup of icing sugar

½ cup of cocoa

1 ¼ tablespoons of orange concentrate

Blend well.

In Zimbabwe we used to get a brand of orange juice concentrate named Tom Thumb. It came in tomato puree sized tins. Here in South Africa, we cannot get that particular brand, so use Minute Maid instead, and use the rest, diluted, as drinking juice.

Thank you Angela Burdick, Angela Grey, Dominic and Linus for a wonderful book. 40 years after you published it, it is still much loved by us here in South Africa. If you ever read this blog article, you may wish to know that our other favourite recipe in the book is CHEESE STRAWS, on page 15.
I would love to hear your thoughts: What is your favourite childhood food memories? Leave a comment and follow my blog - You can a win an e-recipe book on mouth watering delicious chocolate recipes!!


  1. I'm more of a white chocolate guy or fudge guy myself but these treats certainly look yummy especially the chocolate butter icing !

    1. Hmmm, I can imagine adding white chocolate chips to the biscuit dough. :-)

  2. Yum yum! These look great and so easy to make (or so it seems lol) Will be trying these out!

  3. What a lovely article and what a cute, practical and lovely little treasure you were fortunate to rediscover! Thanks for sharing the story and the piccies of the yummy looking biscuits!

  4. Made these... Mmmm... I made the icing mint instead of chocolate (and then spilt half the bottle of mint essence over the counter top), which was also yummy. Does anybody else find that the first biscuit you dollop out is very small, and they grow progressively bigger, until you're putting giant biscuits on the baking tray?

  5. Its so nice to have a recipe that you can play around with and add different flavours. I think chocmint is a brilliant combination. I also think if you have some nuts would also be great. With regards to having giant biscuits on your baking try? I think as you go along you gain confidence or you just end up getting lazy and don't feel like standing and making 100's of little biscuits. (I think that is my case)
