Whats Cooking...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Earl Grey Chocolate Torte

So one day I was busy browsing the Internet for an idea for a really nice dessert.  I came across this recipe on BBC Good Food website.  I love tea and Earl Grey is definately one of my favourites teas, as I read the recipe I saw that you put the tea leaves in the cake, I was like: " Am I'm reading this recipe correctly? Hmmm I have to try this out and see for myself."

This recipe sounded so interesting I was completely intrequed that I had to try it.  I was actually so glad I did this as this is such a lovely treat, its nice and light, full of flavour and rather impressive. Really easy to make is an added bonus.  

Hubby really loved it and it has become one of his favourite desserts. I think if you  serve it with some fresh berries like raspberries or strawberries to make it all summery , and ice cream will be a nice option.

I also didn't have have almonds and couldn't find any so I used pecan nuts which in my opion was a much better choice, they just give that extra flavour and deepth.  I served my slightly warm, dusted with a little icing sugar and creme fraiche on the side, which was really sophisticated. Ok enough jabbering here is the recipe.


Leaves from 2 Earl Grey tea bags - (I think next time I will add an extra bag to get a bit more of that lovely Earl Grey flavour)

100ml hot milk

250g good dark chocolate - (The recipe called for 70% dark chocolate, however I was on a tight budget and bought the cheapy, which worked well. I think if you use the 70% it will be more decadent and richer. Just don't ever use cooking chocolate!!!)

200g butter , diced

140g ground almonds (I used whole pecan nuts, which I crushed up slightly)

6 eggs , separated
200g caster sugar

cocoa  or icing sugar and crème fraîche or cream, to serve


Heat oven to 180C. Grease and line the base and sides of a deep, 22cm loose-bottomed tin with baking parchment, so the paper comes about 2.5cm above the sides.

Infuse the Earl Grey Tea Leaves with the hot milk.
Melt the dark chocolate, butter and a pinch of salt together in a bowl over a pan of barely simmering water.

Stir in the ground almonds or pecans, followed by the egg yolks and milky tea, including the leaves. Beat the egg whites until stiff, then beat in the caster sugar until stiff-ish again.

Fold the whites through the chocolate mix and scrape into the tin. Bake for 30-35 mins - it should still have a slight wobble. Allow for it to cool completely in the tin.

Carefully remove from the tin and lift onto a serving plate. Dust all over with cocoa or icing sugar, then serve with a dollop of crème fraîche or cream. 

Now you can indulge!!!!


  1. Yum. I wonder how it would cook in my oven.

  2. WhooWee!!! YUMMY!!!! Having tea and cake all in one bite! Sounds delicious!!! I'm a tea a holic and choc cake that LOOKS and sounds great WITH Earl grey is such a bonus! Thanks for sharing it :)

  3. Yummy!!! This made my mouth watery...

    Thanks lot sharing it here. Love your blog...

  4. Now that I've actually tasted this - my opinion: Chocolate flavoured items are often quite heavy on the stomach. The background tea flavour made it lighter without compromising on the richness. It was delicious.
