Whats Cooking...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Few important pointers when making chicken stock!

When making chicken stock or any meaty stock it is important to use cold water instead of hot water.  The reason is because the collagen won’t melt properly and you will not get any of that lovely gelatin.  
Water level should be an inch above the bones.  You are looking for a lovely flavouresome stock not a watery one.

Chop your veggies coursley. If you can help it try not to peel them.  You can even keep the onion skin.  It gets strained in the end so it doesn’t matter.  It gives a fantastic natural colouring to your stock.

Seasoning: You can use salt, peppercorns, bay leaves, cloves, ginger anything you like.  Just remember don’t over season you still want it flavoursome but not overpowering.

Great way to cool a stock down is to put it in a bowl in a tub of ice cold water.  Don’t put it in a tub of ice as this takes longer to cool, which may become a breeding ground for bacteria. 
Don’t cover your stock when cooling it will go sour.

Don’t put any hot stock in the fridge.  It will cause your fridge to overwork and it may break.

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