Whats Cooking...

Monday, August 22, 2011

How to make your very own vegetable stock?

I know I have been yakking a lot lately instead of sharing recipes but in order to become an excellent cook it is important to know the basics. So today we will start with a very basic recipe, but it HUGELY important to cooking. Making your very own homemade vegetable stock. Making your own vegetable stock is easy and so much more healthier than those block one buys at your local supermarket.

Firstly I'm going to tell you a few tips in making that really flavoursome vegetable stock. 

  • Its entirely up to you - you can either keep your vegetables whole or chop them finely. Keep this in mind making a vegetable stock can be less exciting than a beef stock. So if your making a vegetable stock my advise you to is to chop the vegetables rather finely (You don’t need to go too crazy – it’s up to you how much time you’re prepared to spend cutting.) as it increases the amount of surface area in contact with the water – so it’s easier for the flavours to be infused into the stock. 
  •  One vegetable I differentially recommend is mushrooms! Why? Because they contain extreme levels of glutamic acid.  Meaning they are natures little natural flavour enhancers. A very healthy form of MSG without the damaging effects.
  • Tomatoes - If you are looking for a bit of natural colourants then feel free to add tomatoes. But not only do they add colour but they also add awesome flavour. If you are looking for a neutral colour stock then omit it.
  • Sweat your onions, celery and carrots before adding all the water. By browning them before the water makes them more sweeter adding to the complex flavours your looking for.
  • Do not add boiling water to your stock - start off with cold water. Different flavour components have different levels of solubility in water at different temperatures. Starting off by adding cold water and slowly increasing the heat, you can be sure that all the flavours have had a chance to be extracted at the right temperatures.
  • Don't boil your stock but rather let it simmer. Boiling it will kill the some of the delicate flavours and nutrients and under simmering will not get all that rich flavour.
  • As Chef Gordon Ramsay will say: "have you tasted you food?" Yes I would agree with him 100%! It is very important to taste your food at regular intervals. It tells you if you need to add more herbs or when to stop cooking.


    2 Large Carrots - Peeled and chopped or just cut in half
    1 Large Onion - Quarter or chopped (don't discard the skins add it to for natural  colouring)
    2 Celery Stalks - Cut Chunky with leaves or finely chopped
    1 Large Tomato - Diced 
    1 Medium Turnip - Quartered
    1 Small Parsnip - Peeled and cut in half
    1 Large Handful of Parsley
    2 Cloves of Garlic - Peeled and kept whole
    1 Bay Leaf
    4 Sprigs of Thyme
    7 Cups of Cold Water


    In a large stock pot - saute the carrots, onions, and celery just until they start to colour add the rest of the ingredients.

    Over a medium heat bring to a simmer. Cook gently for 1 hour or until the stock is rich in flavour. 

    Skim the foam from the surface if occurs.

    Using a fine wire sieve or sieve lined with 2 layers of cheese/muslin cloth, strain the stock into a large container.

    Discard the vegetables.

    Cool the stock down completely before putting it  in your refrigerator or freezing. Never Ever put hot stock in your fridge as it will force your fridge to over work and may cause it to break.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I use stock cubes quite a bit... never thought of making my own... but it sounds really healthy and yummy too :)
